lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020


This afternoon was the coronation of Duncan's son Malcolm. After discovering that the previous king Macbeth was responsible of Duncan's death, the English army fought against Macbeth and finally the brave Macduff killed him.
With the new king everyone is happy now and we hope nothing like this happen ever again. 

But something remains unresolved. Why did Macbeth kill the king? He was thane of Glamis and Cawdor and he wanted more? Some close people to him tell that he saw three witches that foretold his future. We now never know.
Resultado de imagen de corona antigua

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020


Here is the letter:

Dear God. If you can hear me, I must tell you something.
Something that I can't keep more time hidden. Something that is
taking me to the bad side.
This is hard to say but when I tell so, I know It will be better
I know you won't forgive me for all my sins and horrible acts but
I feel like I need help, an exit, a liberation.
I need to get rid of all this pressure and guilty feelings that are
inside of me.
They are in my heart and in my brain, they hurt me and they lie to
me telling me that I did what I have to do.
Oh dear God, now I won't be able to  pray for your forgiveness, 
because I can't handle everything anymore. I'm sorry, but can't,
I'm going to commit suicide.


Yesterday, the tenth of March, the general of the English army, found this poster. It says that the dagger which was used to kill king Duncan, it's on the black market, who would like to buy this dagger? Only a traitor.
We were told that now, some of the best detectives from England are investigating the case. Our priority right now, is to find the traitor who killed the king.

Lady Macbeth seen in Tantallon Castle with her lover

After her supposed suicide and her husband’s death, we all thought that the Macbeth Dynasty, as the couple didn’t have an heir, has finally ended. But we were wrong, Lady Macbeth is alive, and happier than ever.

Lady Macbeth has been seen in Tantallon Castle, and accompanied  with no one less than her old doctor. It seems that, besides a doctor, he was the Duke of Tantallon; a famous Duke for his tactics in the previous battle against the Nordics. 
We have asked the servants of Inverness Castle, and they confirmed that, before Lady Macbeth went “mad”, she had been receiving visits from the Duke. And they had heard them scheming her run away. 

According to the servants: "After she faked her illness and suicide helped by the Duke, she escaped with her most loyal maid to Tantallon Castle, where he had been previously waiting for them". 


This afternoon was the coronation of Duncan's son Malcolm. After discovering that the previous king Macbeth was responsible of Duncan...